Driven To Tears

Back before Christmas, I was listening to WXRT’s Saturday Morning Flashback show, and they were revisiting 1980. Some of the music was clearly awful from that era, but there are any number of good songs. (And we need an antidote to all the Christmas music we’ve been drowning in.)

1980 was a good year for the British/American group The Police. Their 1979 album’s single “Message in a Bottle” got a reasonable amount of radio time, and their 1980 album had 2 hit singles “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” and “De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da”.

This song is “Driven To Tears” by The Police from their 1980 album Zenyattà Mondatta. I like it more than either of the 2 “hits” from that album. (YouTube will tell you the video is “unavailable” if you have any privacy extensions in your browser. Use the link above.)

What’s to become of our world?
Who knows what to do?

Another great song from 1980 is “Private Idaho” by The B-52’s. My posting of that song, from 2012, is at this link. (“Get out of the state you’re in.”)