Welcome to the Cold War 2.0

So there’s film making the rounds. 33 Minutes. It isn’t new, but I guess the whole North Korea missile tests brought it to mind. Sobering Film on Nuclear Attack Shows Need for More Nuclear Defense Spending

I guess the whole image of a nuclear bomb destroying an American city is freaking people out. Though I consider the EMP more of an issue. You weren’t paying attention to the Cold War?

33 minutes is the longest time a ballistic missile has to fly – from ANYWHERE in the world – to reach the US. Submarine launched missiles would have to fly for much less time. Does no one remember the Cold War? People in the movie guess hours and even DAYS for how long it would take a missile to reach the US.

The movie can be found at medium.com. The trailer can be found below.

4 thoughts on “Welcome to the Cold War 2.0

  1. The original URL as listed in the trailer is no more. The link right above the trailer takes you to medium.com and the movie.


  2. I’m guessing their target audience doesn’t remember the Cold War because they weren’t born yet.

    But, yeah, an EMP and social breakdown it causes is worse than one bomb (except for the unlucky folks under it).


    • Yeah, but even a few in my generation studiously ignored the issues. When I was in my 20s I had to sign an agreement with the Dept. of Energy about future travel to the Warsaw Pact. Condition of spending time at Oak Ridge National Lab, even as a summer intern. So I kind of wasn’t in a position to ignore the realities.


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