Everything is Your Fault

Pirates Cove has the whole Climate Science beat covered. And it seems the Climate scientists have covered their bases.

The earth is going to become too hot and dry. The Earth Could Become A Desert Without The Paris Climate Agreement Or Something. (We can fix this with a Tax!)

Or maybe permanent flooding is in our future. We’re Going To Need Floating Homes For Our Permanent Drought Flood World. (Probably the same tax, though I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a different tax for this.)

Whatever weather you encounter, it is all your fault. Climastrologers Can Now Blame Every Weather Event On Your Carbon Footprint. This is handy, since we know the answer to every conceivable climate question already (carbon footprint!) we can do away with all climate science! (Bet there’s push back on this idea! And another tax.)

I think Joe Jackson said it best. “There’s no cure, there’s no answer.”

Everything gives you cancer
Everything gives you cancer
There’s no cure, there’s no answer
Everything gives you cancer