Either They Want Cops to Stop Shooters or They Don’t

But it seems they change their mind every other week. Shooting Has Residents Hiding Their Children.

Now I spend a fair amount of time reading about (and somewhat less time writing about) Chicago. That is because I used to live there, and though the city has changed, it still holds a warm place in my heart. At least the city as it used to be holds a place. But you could probably write this about Baltimore, or New Orleans, or any one of a dozen American cities.

So there was a shooting over the weekend in Chicago (not news according to HeyJackass! – there were 39 wounded and 7 killed), but this shooting was into a group of kids playing basketball. The residents of the west side of Chicago now want more police presence.

Some residents say the problem is much bigger than finding the suspects in this one shooting. And they will keep their kids inside until they see more police outside.

“It’s time for the police to walk the street like they used to,” said Mason. “The mayor needs to come here bring the U.S. Marshals and let our kids play down the street like they supposed to and not being shot at.”

Second City Cop wants to know, “Are they just morons?

You see, not very long ago, cops – walking a beat, in Chicago – spied someone they believed was carrying a concealed weapon. Actually it as a not-very-well-concealed-weapon. When they tried to stop and question him, he tried to draw that weapon. Body cameras, security cameras, testimony ALL show that he was armed, and he tried to draw a weapon even though by that time there were at least 4 cops around him. There was the usual outcry about “cops shooting unarmed black men.” (More info at this link)

So what do the good folks of Chicago want? Do they want cops to stop shooters or not? (Back to Second City Cop…)

How about you people (or folks) (A) stop shooting, (B) stop covering for shooters, (C) stop electing assholes who get money from shooters, (D) clean up your neighborhood, (E) start snitching, and (F) stop whining about the bed of shit you’ve created for yourselves.

That is harsher than I would have put it, but he deals with this stuff everyday, up close.

While the unseasonably cold weather kept shootings down early in the year, since the 4th of July, or maybe a bit before, Chicago seems determined to make up for lost time. (If you look the HeyJackass! link above, you will see how this weekend compares to similar weekends in past years.)