It’s Sunday, So That Means…

William Teach over at Pirate’s Cove has Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup.

He starts off with the following.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Geller Report has some interesting info on the synagogue vandalizer
  2. Yid With Lid discusses the ACLU suing a Montana sheriff for following federal immigration law
  3. Watcher of Weasels notes the inherent racism in Progressive elites
  4. This ain’t Hell… has your Sunday morning feel good stories
  5. The Right Scoop features a GOP effigy hung in utter irony
  6. The Powers That Be covers a totally “random” person interviewed by CNN
  7. The Last Tradition notes Biden and Ocasio-Cortez threatening violence

There’s more.

I don’t know if The Other McCain is going to have a roundup this week, since Wombat Socho was hospitalized. (Since moved to “critical care” facility – formerly known as a nursing home.) At the bottom of that post, is a link to Wombat’s gofundme page, if you’d care to help. (This all happened right when he was moving.) Anyway, if they do have a roundup, I will note that later.