Saturday Links

The Other McCain starts us off with Rich Liberals (and Why We Hate Them).

The Pirate’s Cove notes that Senate Democrats Cool With Allowing Born Alive Babies To Die.

Power Line has a bit on the push to ban certain books. Literary Outrages, With Pushback From the Sane Why don’t they just burn them, the way the censors have always done?

Gates of Vienna – Merkel Legos Become Merkel Chairs.

You’ve got to admire the Germans — when life hands them lemons, they make lemonade.

The Right Scoop notes Ocasio-Cortez plays the victim after being told she’s WRONG. Apparently any answer that a woman comes up with should be accepted, even if it is wrong. (FIU Bridge Collapse?)

The Gateway Pundit has more on the Green Solution. Figures. Sandy Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Calls for End to Air Travel — Build Trains Over the Oceans -Duh.

This is how democracy dies. At the hands of a deranged idiot.

The College Fix – Colorado university hit with lawsuit for refusing to recognize Christian apologetics club.

Sultan knish (Daniel Greefield) on the political insanity (or part of it) of the upcoming Presidential campaign season The Worst Mayors in America are Running for President.

Victoria Taft has a story on AstroTurf vs Grassroots. Docs Reveal Portland School Administrators Planned & Paid for ‘Student’ Anti-Gun Protest. And the media went along with the lie of course.

The Daily Wire – WATCH: Ilhan Omar Questioned Over Her Smearing Of Catholic Students. Here’s How She Responded This includes a list of all (most?) the people/organizations “contacted” by the attorneys representing Nick Sandmann.

Adaptive Curmudgeon reflects on life at 30 below (and then some). A New Personal Low.

American Thinker – Fake News about Holes in Antarctic Glaciers (CNN has fake news? Say it ain’t so!)

The Daley Gator and the Lack of Balanced Debate. Democrats only want certain people to speak about gun violence.

Remember kids, only certain viewpoints are included in leftist “inclusion”

I hope your weekend is off to a good start.

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