Don’t Support the Organizations That Don’t Support Us

Using Google, F*c*Book, Twitter and all the associated insanity is supporting the people who want to destroy your rights, your privacy, and the Constitution. Fall Back To The Fortified Blogs!.

Given the ongoing “cancelling” of conservatives and libertarians on social media, I’ve been using the title of this post as something of a catchphrase, and occasionally educating random yoots on how blogs worked before Jack and Zuck enticed us into their walled gardens. The rest of us ought to be giving some serious thought to those alternatives in case Google, Facebook, and Twitter decide to take the gloves off and just boot everyone who even looks like they might vote for Trump off their platforms before the 2020 elections.

As they say, go read the whole thing. And…

Here’s a useful article from Techdirt back in June listing plenty of options to avoid Google.

2 thoughts on “Don’t Support the Organizations That Don’t Support Us

  1. Pingback: The great deplatforming. – Dark Brightness

  2. Pingback: FMJRA 2.0: Winged Hussars : The Other McCain

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