Why Are We Fighting So Many Wars?

I would love to know what this is costing the US taxpayer, in a line-item format. Overextended?

The image is disturbing. How many places are we deploying our military? Too many. (Click the image to enlarge.)

This comment on yesterday’s post by fellow Lexican, all around good guy, and retired officer of the Naval Service (who goes by the moniker Air Boss* – for such he once was), made me do a little research.

We need to stop fighting multiple undeclared wars all over the world without the full participation of the American People.

3 thoughts on “Why Are We Fighting So Many Wars?

  1. Just to play contrarian….

    Better a standing army overseas than on American soil….? Especially, in light of current flirtations with stronger (read, “unconstitutional”) gun laws.

    Just a thought.



    • How about no standing army, and no unconstitutional laws.

      And I think the military is mostly on the side of freedom anyway. Though maybe I’m naive.


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