Hollywood is Officially Out of Ideas – Take 2

So while trying to determine if I was going to see Ford v Ferrari, while it is still in my local theaters, I was once again pulled down the rabbit hole of what does Hollywood have queued up for the next few months. It isn’t pretty. (Ford v Ferrari isn’t a comic book movie, it’s not a sequel, based on the SJW screeching that heralded its release, it isn’t politically correct, and it is supposed to be a decent movie. Still undecided.)

Sonic the Hedgehog, has been in the news because of the Uncanny Valley issues that arose after test screenings, so they rendered the entire movie a 2nd time with a redesigned Sonic. It still looks like a version of ET with a more comic hero, a more comic bad guy, and less appeal. (Scientists and the military are bad. I’m surprised that the cop comes across as a good guy.)

Just when you thought they were done with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they are set to release Morbius, who’s a doctor/researcher that manages to turn himself into a vampire. You can be excused if you’ve never heard of this character, since he was originally a minor Spider-Man villain, from the 1970s.

Some of the other fair… Another Bad Boys movie with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, A quasi-sequel to DC’s ill-fated Suicide Squad with Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn. A Vin Diesel movie about a soldier back from the dead and enhanced. I keep thinking that this is RoboCop with more effects, and in the biochemistry realm, instead of hardware. And another Bond film staring Daniel Craig. (His last?)

Then there are the social justice screeds, and at least one movie that only a New York pseudo-intellectual could relish. The Booksellers is a documentary on the New York rare-book world. It will probably be interesting, but seems more suited to PBS than a theatrical release. A movie that casts homeschooling as cause for concern. (What are you hiding that you won’t let your kids go to state school?) An alcoholic’s attempt to regain sobriety. A story about an “unintended pregnancy” and 2 teens seeking “medical help.” (Can’t imagine what the message of that film might be!) An “inspiring story” of overcoming “an abusive childhood.” A story about “displaced youth” waging war with “the system” to keep her sisters together. And finally a satire about the super-rich.

The only thing that seems to have missed the Social Justice crusade is The Last Full Measure, the story of William H. Pitsenbarger, a United States Air Force Pararescueman, and how he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, thirty-four years after he died. A story about the Vietnam War, that showcases the heroism of at least one service member? How did this come about? Though I suppose they can still paint everyone else with darkness.

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