Another Failure of the Victim-selection Process

crime scene tapeHe thought breaking into a home at 1:30 AM was a good idea. He was wrong. Newport homeowner shoots man allegedly trying to break in.

The homeowner shot the alleged burglar in the shoulder as he was breaking a window and trying to enter the home about 1:30 a.m., Macdaid said.

He ran home. He is currently in hospital.

And it isn’t quite clear, but it seems that reporters are still not clear on difference between criminals and victims.

[Newport Police Chief Leonard Macdaid] also did not release the name or address of the homeowner because he is the victim of a crime.

I’m sure there was a reporter who thought that the gun-owner/homeowner must be a criminal, since he shot someone. “Legal self-defense” is not something that they believe in.

Still, self-defense is a human-right. Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0.

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