“Chicago: The mess that Democrats made.”

Collapsing revenue. Expanding debt. Failing schools. DOJ probe into police tactics. Cover-ups in City Hall. Escape From Chicago

There is a famous quote from the elder Daley… “Don’t make no waves. Don’t back no losers.” But everything is going sour in Chicago. Everyone is looking like a loser.

First question, why no action on gangs?

Chicago Democrats are closely entangled with its 68,000 gang members who deliver the votes and the money. There are more gang members in Chicago than people of English ancestry. That makes them a powerful voting bloc. And Democrats bow to their wishes.

A Latin Kings member described how the vote organizing worked. “Every chapter had to vote for that guy… That was a direct order. That means you can’t say no.” Under the Dems, that’s Chicago democracy.

Second question, why gun are gun crimes not punished? (In a word – Clout!*)

Chicago Democrats ritualistically demand gun control, but carefully avoid cracking down on their own political base. Obama calls for “common sense solutions” after every shooting, but like a good Chicago Democrat he voted against a 1999 bill to try anyone carrying out a shooting in school as an adult. Under Obama, Federal gun-crime prosecutions in Chicago have became as rare as honest Chicago Democrats.

Chicago has 63 billion in debt (and pension obligations). And everyone who can is leaving the city. It isn’t white-flight. It is everybody fleeing. Sales tax is high. Property tax is high and going up. Netflix streaming will be subject to a 9% tax, and cloud-based services will cost an addition 5.25%. Because they can.

The rating agencies have downgraded Chicago’s debt to junk status. And every idea generated by the Democrats is guaranteed to drive more people and more business out of the city. I worked for company that left the city in the 1980s based wholly on the savings in sales tax on consumables (computer printer paper, etc.) and employment taxes. Things haven’t gotten more business-friendly since then.

Chicago Democrats have two visions for the city’s future. The Rahm Emanuel vision is to try and lure new companies and workers to rob. The Lewis/Garcia vision is to double down on taxes for the political machine without even bothering to figure out who is going to pay for them

Add to that failing schools. Schools where the teachers engage in fraud, smoking pot with students, and other things that would generally be frowned on. (Like using the tax-free ID to purchase personal items at retailers.)

* Clout is one of the words that started in the Chicago machine, and now has some notoriety nationally. Suffice it to say that Chicago politicos are not going to bite the hand that turns out the votes.