12 Foot Gator in Harvey Flood Waters

Flood waters around Houston and Southeast Texas are fresh water. That means they’re home to gators. Some of them quite large. Huge Alligator Loose In Harvey Floods, Texas Game Wardens, Troopers Wrangle It – Across Texas, TX Patch

A very big, and by big we mean 12 feet long, and presumably unhappy alligator found higher ground in Hurricane Harvey’s churning floods, and it took a half dozen or so Texas game wardens and troopers to wrangle the displaced reptile so it could be taken back where it belongs.

Still think people are better off not having evacuated? Hazards in the water include alligators (most are smaller than 12 ft!) poisonous snakes, and floating colonies of really pissed off fire ants.

3 thoughts on “12 Foot Gator in Harvey Flood Waters

  1. I understand that rattlesnakes really don’t like being in saltwater. I wonder if gators feel the same way? I guess the flood waters are probably brackish, but can’t even think of a way to know how salty it might be.


    • Gators are found ONLY in fresh or brackish water. There are other problems in salt water. Like the American Crocodile. (Luckily only found in South Florida right now.)

      That still leaves them plenty of room in coastal Texas.


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