Segregation of the Sexes Comes to Sweden

Because coed music festivals are not safe. Women cheer as Sweden’s man-free music festival kicks off.

Matilda Hagerman laughs with her friends as she queues at a man-free music festival, which kicked off in Sweden on Friday in protest against a wave of sexual assaults at festivals in recent years.

Think about that last part of the quote: “in recent yeas.” It’s almost like something changed in the past few years.

This seems like a victory for Sharia. Because the authorities don’t want to be xenophobic, they ignored attacks at first, then down-played them, but in the end did nothing concrete. And so spaces are now segregating for safety.

Knyckare told AFP that the MeToo wave exposing sexual assault unveiled “serious problems” in Sweden, one of the most gender equal nations in the world, at not only festivals but several institutions.

This is The Local. They are so far to the Left they can’t see the center anymore. So while they talk about “safe spaces” they don’t mention when those safe spaces became necessary, or any of the attacks from previous festivals – only in the abstract.

So is this progress, or a massive step backwards?

2 thoughts on “Segregation of the Sexes Comes to Sweden

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