Google – the New Thought Police

Google is about the same as F*c*book. They want everyone to think the same thoughts. Algorithms of Suppression.

The Claremont Institute has launched a campaign to engage our fellow citizens in discussion and debate about what it means to be an American. As part of that effort, we have begun to point out the increasingly existential danger of identity politics and political correctness to our republic. As if to prove our point, Google has judged our argument as wrongthink that should be forbidden. They are now punishing us for our political thought by refusing to let us advertise to our own readers.

Soon anyone espousing anything like “conservative values” will be blocked from Google, F*c*book and Twitter. Because you dare to disagree with your masters in Tech, so you will be silenced.

Hat tip to The Other McCain, who notes

Google, like the mainstream media establishment, has decided that President Trump’s election proves that freedom of speech is dangerous, and so anything that might conceivably prevent the election of a Democrat in 2020 must be suppressed as some form of “hate speech.”

And also to Instapundit, who notes that Google dropped “Don’t Be Evil” and went to Full Evil.

And you can Live Without Google. Or mostly, anyway.

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