Good Guys 3, Bad Guys 0

CuffsBut the three of them were gang members, so there may be more to come in this story. Homeowner shoots, kills intruder in Pico Rivera.

Authorities said the two suspects had been trying to get into the home through the window. The homeowner woke up to the sound of shattering glass and saw one man inside his home. He reportedly grabbed his handgun and shot the suspect.

The homeowner then noticed another intruder just outside his window. He said the second suspect appeared to be reaching for a weapon, so he opened fire on that man as well, fatally shooting him.

The guy who got shot was taken to a local hospital by a getaway driver. He was arrested, and so was the getaway driver.

Two gang members suspected of burglarizing a home in Pico Rivera early Friday morning were shot by the homeowner, authorities say.

So the question is, will there be retribution?

Self-defense is a human-right, and even in California it may be your legal right, but there is always vendetta to consider.

3 thoughts on “Good Guys 3, Bad Guys 0

  1. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

    • I know, but it has been on my mind of late. I haven’t written about it too often, but there have been a rash of stories of the form “Arson fire destroys home that was scene of self-defense shooting.”


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