Self-defense Is Legal in Illinois

What would you do if someone grabbed your hair and slammed you into the ground? Judge clears Chicago police dispatcher Keli McGrath in ‘road rage’ shooting.

McGrath fired “after she was grabbed by the hair and was body-slammed to the ground,” Wadas said. “At that point self-defense comes into play, and firing one shot is not unreasonable self-defense.”

She may get her concealed carry license, and Illinois Firearms Owner ID card back, but she may not get her pistol back.

2 thoughts on “Self-defense Is Legal in Illinois

  1. “…but she may not get her pistol back.”

    And that is reason #1 for me not carrying any thing ‘fast n fancy’ and advising others to think about doing the same, if practicable.
    I figure that even if the police don’t keep the gun, their storage and handling practices will wind up with anything looking like it was dragged along a mile of asphalt pavement.
    The high $$ guns go to Bar-b-ques and the Glocks and Rugers (all more than adequate) get carried for serious ‘personal interactions’.


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