Meanwhile in the Socialist Paradise of Venezuela…

This article has some info about the fallout of the power outage. Infrastructure crisis looms in Venezuela.

First up there is some info about the agricultural sector in the country.

Word from the countryside is that farmers have been unable to find seeds and fertilizer. And the planting season is about to start. Everyone from Wall Street analysts to Rodríguez, who has sold carrots, parsley, bananas and garlic here for decades, worries that this will be the year Venezuela’s agricultural sector collapses.

When Venezuela had 5 days without power, 4.4 million pounds of meat spoiled. No electricity. No refrigeration. Also no water pumping equipment.

As power shut down, the country’s aluminum industry was further crippled: Molten metal solidified and destroyed machinery. When power was restored, leaping voltage burned out computers, air-conditioning units and refrigerators. Transformers blew up.

Things will get a lot worse before they get better.