Self-defense Is Legal In Missouri

JusticeThe Prosecutor came to that conclusion in a week. Some jurisdictions take months to make that call. Prosecutor: Homeowner who shot intruder was “justified”.

So a would-be bad-guy broke into a house and started a “confrontation” with the homeowner. The homeowner shot him.

Prosescutor Bin Winrey said information obtained during the investigation showed the homeowner acted within their rights.

Self-defense is a human-right, and at least in this part of Missouri it is also your legal right.

70 Years of NHS Proves It Isn’t Working

But why clutter the issue with facts? Why Does the Left Want Universal Health Care? Britain’s Is on Its Deathbed.

If you are smart enough to be a doctor, you are smart enough to know that you probably don’t want to work for one of the biggest bureaucracies in the world. This is especially true if the pay is low. The NHS started recruiting doctors from India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka in the 1960s. It hasn’t helped.

Nevertheless, shortages persist. One in 11 NHS posts is currently vacant. Four in five NHS staff worry that these vacancies jeopardize patient safety. The NHS has among the lowest amount of doctors, nurses, and hospital beds than any country in the Western world on a per-capita basis, according to a report from the King’s Fund.

Simply put, the NHS is unequipped to care for its citizens.

The real shock is that 10% of Brits have private insurance, because waiting on NHS is not a good thing. (OK, maybe it isn’t a shock.)

Will Executives Prepare For/Deal With Cyber Attacks?

I sincerely doubt it. The total cost of a data breach — including lost business — keeps growing.

“Failure to respond urgently, transparently, and with empathy can result in a near extinction-level event.”

You would think that the magnitude of the numbers being bandied about by the likes of Maersk Lines or the European subsidiary of Fedaral Express would be sobering. But in my limited experience, executives don’t spend money on shit they don’t understand, and they didn’t get ahead by being transparent or having empathy. Virtually every data breach I have read about (pre-GDPR anyway) has been characterized by 1 thing: executives wait weeks or months to disclose the breach (often selling stock before it is made public). Because screw you, customers/stock-holders!

  • The average cost of a breach involving 1 million records was nearly $40 million dollars.
  • The cost of a breach totaling 50 million records was estimated to be $350 million.

That’s a lot of money. You would think that it would encourage the spending of money to prepare. And I’m sure somewhere somebody had a portion of their budget increased. But I am also positive that somewhere there are managers saying “we don’t need to update our software.” And I don’t think we ever got all the money we asked for, on any project. (Unless of course it was the brainchild of someone from Mahogany Row.)

Living Freedom Link Roundup

Claire Wolfe brings us Monday links. This includes stuff like the following.

  • Pennsylvania is SO twentieth century. They got Defense Distributed to block downloads of 3D-printable gun plans. Lots of verbal hand-wringing. No acknowledgement that VPNs and proxies make physical location irrelevant.
  • He once thought liberals were the cool folks.
  • Why the devil plays the violin. (Hint: It didn’t just start with Charlie Daniels.)

And much more.

Either They Want Cops to Stop Shooters or They Don’t

But it seems they change their mind every other week. Shooting Has Residents Hiding Their Children.

Now I spend a fair amount of time reading about (and somewhat less time writing about) Chicago. That is because I used to live there, and though the city has changed, it still holds a warm place in my heart. At least the city as it used to be holds a place. But you could probably write this about Baltimore, or New Orleans, or any one of a dozen American cities.

So there was a shooting over the weekend in Chicago (not news according to HeyJackass! – there were 39 wounded and 7 killed), but this shooting was into a group of kids playing basketball. The residents of the west side of Chicago now want more police presence.

Some residents say the problem is much bigger than finding the suspects in this one shooting. And they will keep their kids inside until they see more police outside.

“It’s time for the police to walk the street like they used to,” said Mason. “The mayor needs to come here bring the U.S. Marshals and let our kids play down the street like they supposed to and not being shot at.”

Second City Cop wants to know, “Are they just morons?

You see, not very long ago, cops – walking a beat, in Chicago – spied someone they believed was carrying a concealed weapon. Actually it as a not-very-well-concealed-weapon. When they tried to stop and question him, he tried to draw that weapon. Body cameras, security cameras, testimony ALL show that he was armed, and he tried to draw a weapon even though by that time there were at least 4 cops around him. There was the usual outcry about “cops shooting unarmed black men.” (More info at this link)

So what do the good folks of Chicago want? Do they want cops to stop shooters or not? (Back to Second City Cop…)

How about you people (or folks) (A) stop shooting, (B) stop covering for shooters, (C) stop electing assholes who get money from shooters, (D) clean up your neighborhood, (E) start snitching, and (F) stop whining about the bed of shit you’ve created for yourselves.

That is harsher than I would have put it, but he deals with this stuff everyday, up close.

While the unseasonably cold weather kept shootings down early in the year, since the 4th of July, or maybe a bit before, Chicago seems determined to make up for lost time. (If you look the HeyJackass! link above, you will see how this weekend compares to similar weekends in past years.)

Because the Left Is Clutching Their Collective Pearls

I thought it would be fun to revisit NPR’s take on Cody Wilson. Planet Money Episode 817: The Gun Man.

If you’ve been following the story at all, there isn’t much new information here. The collective pearl-clutching of the gun-fearing does come through loud and clear. (That episode is from January, so the recent court ruling is not covered.)

Any decent garage mechanic can make guns, and in jurisdictions where they have been outlawed, there is a booming business. But the current outrage is over a 3-D printed gun that shoots 1 round. Yeah they mention the lower-receiver, but they are all about “completely plastic guns.” That AR-15 in the photo (first link above to the NPR episode) contains more than a fair amount of aluminum, and the barrel and bolt carrier group are going to be steel. But hey, why clutter the issue with facts?

Meanwhile in the Socialist Paradise of Nicaragua

This isn’t most informative article, but it does have a collection of incredible photos of what is happening. A Hundred Days of Protest in Nicaragua. Seriously, take your time with the photos.

Earlier this year government-backed paramilitary groups opened fire on student protests. Things have gotten worse from there, even though negotiations are ongoing.

Faith in the negotiations was severely undermined on June 17 when, hours after the first agreements were signed, a family of six were killed when their home was set on fire by police and paramilitaries, according to neighbors. The victims included an eight-month-old and a two year-old child.

On June 23, as police and paramilitary groups opened fire on the student-occupied University of Managua, a one-year-old boy, Teyler Lorío, was hit in the head by a stray bullet and died. His mother rejected government claims that protesters had caused his death, telling a local TV station, “He was killed by a police gunshot. I saw them. They were police.”

Also the faith in the negotiations is tested by the fact that the .gov isn’t doing the things they promised to do. (File that under “talk is cheap.”)

The government has accepted some demands, such as to allow the entry of international bodies such as the U.N. and the E.U. into Nicaragua and to disarm the paramilitary gangs, but protesters say they have not fulfilled their promises.

Cue “Won’t Get Fooled Again” by The Who.

Sunday Link Roundup From Pirate’s Cove

Pirate’s Cove presents the Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup.

This includes:

  • PJ Media (Matt Margolis) discusses why Obama is the worst president every
  • The Other McCain notes California being a no-go zone for Republicans
  • Powerline covers how dumb are Socialists
  • American Power covers an interesting poll on Democrats being outside the mainstream
  • Chicks On The Right notes when Obama said Trump would need a magic wand to fix the economy

And much, much more. Go check it out.

How Would You Respond To Two “Armed Intruders?”

It’s a good thing that this homeowner wasn’t disarmed by the state. Deputies: Apache Junction homeowner shoots, kills intruder.

If you break into enough homes, you will eventually run into an armed homeowner. No one will be surprised at the result.

Navideh Forghani, a spokeswoman for the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office, said the two armed intruders attempted to break into the home.

The homeowner struggled with one of the male attackers before shooting him, Forghani said.

The guy who got shot was pronounced dead at a local hospital. The guy who didn’t get shot ran like a rabbit.

Self-defense is a human-right.

National Lampoon’s Animal House

Hard to believe Animal House is 40 years old. (July 28, 1978)

Did Bruce McGill really play the character of Daniel Simpson Day? Was he ever really that young? Stephen Furst, who played Kent Dorfman (or Flounder), passed away last year. (Though I will always remember him as Vir Cotto from Babylon 5.)

While some of the scenes from this movie are pure comedy gold, (one is below) I’m never really sure if I like this movie as a whole. I am certain it couldn’t be made today; it is too politically incorrect. But then I’m not sure it was meant to last.

And Because it is Saturday, song from the movie. (Though I never thought any of the soundtrack was that good.)

Living Freedom Blog Has a Friday Link Roundup

Friday links, in which Claire Wolfe brings up lots of good stuff, including…

  • Liberty makes us less free, sez the all-new ACLU. Another good one from J.D. Tuccille.
  • For details on the recent (additional) good gun news from (the unlikely) Ninth Circuit, I’ll just refer you to Dr. Jim’s original comment.
  • Thanks to a venal cop, a typically flawed roadside drug test, and naivete, a mother of four spends months in jail … for possession of vitamins

And so much more. (At least click thru for a quick view of the canine antics.)

Failures of the Criminal Justice System – International Edition

JusticeAnd you thought the Criminal Justice System in the USA was screwed up. Violent burglar dressed up as garda during raid on family.

It seems things aren’t much different in Ireland.

He has 130 previous convictions for burglary, theft, road traffic offences, criminal damage, possession of drugs, taking vehicles and public order matters.

If he was sentenced to 6-months for each of those 130 offenses, he wouldn’t be out causing more mayhem. But the Irish, like their European neighbors, are too civilized to actually put people in prison.

Texans Are Still Armed, Home Invaders Still Getting Shot

You would think the bad guys would have gotten this memo by now. Homeowner shoots suspected burglar in head at Katy-area home.

The homeowner told deputies the burglar lunged at him, so he fired one shot, shooting the teen in the head.

The wounded suspect ran away on foot and tried to hide, but a K-9 deputy located him.

It appears the bullet only grazed his head, so he is in stable condition. This guy is lucky he didn’t get shot in the head.

Self-defense is a Human-right. Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0.

Officer Michael Michalski

End of Watch. 17-year Milwaukee police veteran shot dead: ‘Words cannot describe the sorrow and anger I feel’

While trying to arrest a subject wanted for drugs and gun violations…

A 17-year veteran of the Milwaukee Police Department who was “loved by everyone” was shot dead in the line of duty Wednesday, leaving behind a wife and three sons, police said.

Break Into Homes, And Eventually You Will Find An Armed Homeowner

No one will be surprised at how that encounter turns out. Intruder who was shot has burglary background.

The woman, who’s name has not been disclosed, said Dority “lunged” at her in “an aggressive manner” when she opened the door to her storage building, which prompted her to fire, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

The investigation continues. No charges have been filed against the homeowner.

The paper spends a great deal of time going over this guy’s criminal record. Which is really beside the point. He didn’t get shot because of his record, he got shot because of his actions. (And he is expected to survive to be prosecuted again.)

Self-defense is a human-right. Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0.

The Most Dangerous American Spy in WWII – Virginia Hall

In honor of the anniversary of The Americans With Disabilities Act. An American who didn’t let the loss of her leg stand in her way. (OK, that’s an excuse – I didn’t want to wait for her birthday, which is in April.)

Born April 6, 1906. Virginia Hall: America’s Greatest Female Spy – Historic Heroines. This linked article is long, but still worth your time.

She spoke five languages, and worked at several consulates across Europe, but the Foreign Service kept rejecting her application. Mostly it seems, because she was raising the alarm about Hitler long before most Americans – and especially those in the US Foreign Service – were taking him seriously.

While hunting in Turkey, she had an accidental discharge of her firearm, which resulted in her losing her left leg below the knee. (She was climbing over a fence.) She named her wooden leg Cuthbert. Despite the injury she volunteered as an ambulance driver in France during the Blitzkrieg. After the Nazi occupation of France, she made her way to England and joined the Special Operation Executive. (SOE was competitor to MI6, but protected by Churchill.)

After rigorous spy training designed to test the mettle of even the most resolute male candidates, she returned to Vichy France undercover as an American Journalist (prior to the US having joined the war). There, at great personal risk, Virginia, worked doggedly to collect intelligence, help form the French Resistance and rescue downed RAF pilots. She organized sabotage efforts on German supply lines and successfully planned daring POW prison escapes. All the while, knowing that capture would mean imprisonment and certain torture at the hands of the Vichy Police or German Gestapo.

She was on the Gestapo’s “most wanted” list.

After America got into the war, she “transferred” to the OSS (which later would become the CIA). And did more of the same. By this point the Americans wanted experienced agents to prepare for the invasion everyone knew had to come eventually. But since she was known to the Gestapo, she disguised herself (and her limp) as an old woman.

Upon her return to occupied France, Virginia immediately jumped back in with the French Resistance working tirelessly as a covert wireless radio operator reporting critical intelligence that could affect the D-Day invasion. … While on the move, Virginia used her previous experience organizing resistance efforts to assemble a fighting force of French guerillas that could support the Allied Invasion. Many initially refused to take orders from a woman, however, as she demonstrated her ability to provide valuable weapons and explosives with London’s full confidence, their sentiments rapidly changed. When the Allied Troops invaded Normandy on June 6, 1944, Virginia and her resistance army of over 400 volunteers sprang into action. Destroying train tracks, disrupting supply lines, attacking German troops and committing other acts of sabotage, Virginia and her force slowed the Nazi response to D-Day in any way possible.

After the war, she was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the only civilian woman to receive one. The recommendation, and citation – from the desk of Harry S. Truman – can be viewed at this link. (The interface isn’t the best, but you can enlarge the documents.) Some of the documents weren’t declassified until 1991.

Rejected Princesses also has a nice piece on Virginia Hall. I am really starting to love Rejected Princesses. (“Well-behaved women rarely make history.”)

The CIA has an official site devoted to her, but it is a bit short. Virginia Hall: The Courage and Daring of “The Limping Lady”. Still, it is worth a look. (And they gave me the idea about the ADA.)

A native of Baltimore, Virginia Hall Goillot is perhaps best known for her heroic service in the British Special Operations Executive and the American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II, but she actually spent more time in CIA.

She died in 1982. In 2017 the CIA named a training center in her honor, and a commissioned painting of her hangs in CIA headquarters.

We Are Always Told To Cooperate to Ensure Our Safety

The gun-hating Left is always going on about “If you give the bad guy what he wants, he will leave you alone”. I guess this guy didn’t get that memo. Clerk shot during Arlington gas station armed robbery.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office says the suspect walked in to the store off Arlington Road and the Arlington Expressway a little after 10:30AM. He allegedly demanded money from the employee, and even though police say the victim complied, the suspect shot the clerk in the torso and then fled.

Violent criminals do not stop being violent criminals because you are cooperating. They remain violent criminals independent of your actions.

Cooperation is a strategy. There are other strategies – like being armed in your own defense. I believe that some strategies are better than others.

Oh, and in 2018, we should have better quality security video. Just sayin’.

‡ regarding the crime of rape: Leftists never want to discuss rape when they bring up that “cooperate” strategy. Did I say never? I meant mostly, because some WILL advise cooperation with a rapist, which isn’t so much as stupid, as purely evil advice.

Bad Guy with a Gun Meets Good Guy with a Gun

And no shots were fired. Clerk fights back during attempted robbery in Ohio County. (That is Ohio County, West Virginia.)

They say a man walked up to the door and showed the clerk a gun. The clerk then pulled out a weapon, and the robber then ran.

I would have said that he ran like a rabbit, but then I don’t work for a TV station.

Self-defense is a human-right.